Your team journey begins here.
Building a new team
Are you a start up, and are starting to expand beyond your founding members? Being intentional about creating a team that can deliver on your vision and create impact right out of the gate. Our Team Kickstart program works with you and your team to build an effective and high impact team.
After a re-organization
Be intentional in charting a new path for your team. We support you in aligning your team on their new metrics of success and how to get there.
New Team Leader
Promoted to a team lead for the first time, or coming in to lead an intact team. Or simply ready to address some issues getting in the way of your team excelling. Our Team Kickstart progam helps you build alignment and impact.
What to Expect
Through 1:1 interviews, surveys and other tools, we create a deep understanding of where your team is, and where they need to be to create impact efficiently.
We then work with your team to prioritze the work to be done and build a program that supports your team growth. This is achieved through a series of working sessions, in business as usual meetings and 1:1 coaching.